Cambridge Tigers Korfball Club

Cambridge Tigers Korfball Club

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Tigers 2 vs Harrow 2

12 March 2023
Tigers 2 vs Harrow 2

Match #15 of the season for Tigers 2 saw a trip to North London to play the return fixture against Harrow 2.

Both teams traded goals for the first quarter with some good long-shooting and attacking play from Tigers, mixed with some strong front defensive play.

Cambridge went into the break with a cushion of four goals knowing they needed to push on in the third quarter, and a flurry of scores ensured a healthy lead going into the final 15 minutes.

The team demonstrated a solid defence - limiting the opposition to 8 was an incredibly good effort and there was a feeling that there were more goals out there than the 20 scored.

4 goals each for Martha and Joseph (in his final game for Tigers for a while as he embarks on his travels) and all the team got on the scoresheet.

A bit of a break for Tigers until a trip to local rivals, Ely Vikings, in April.

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