Cambridge Tigers Korfball Club

Cambridge Tigers Korfball Club

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Tigers 3 vs Tigers 4

10 March 2023
Tigers 3 vs Tigers 4

Wednesday for the first intra-Tigers clash of the season with T3 facing off against T4 in CKA1.

After some snow-related delays resulted in a late start the teams got underway in a big cat battle. The first half was a high scoring affair with an NBA All-Star game level of defense, at the break the score was 13-8 in favour of T3. T3 kept up the pace scoring another 13 goals in the second half, but T4 were unfortunately only able to add 1 to their tally. The final score: 26-9 to T3.

There was a great spread of goals across boths teams with only 5 out of 18 players not scoring, the star though was Tigers newcomer Gary Lam who in only his second game for T3 scored 7.

There is a rematch on the 22nd of March, which I am sure will be just as fun!

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