Cambridge Tigers Korfball Club

Cambridge Tigers Korfball Club

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Tigers 5 vs Phoenix 3

10 January 2023 | Zoe DeBarro +
Tigers 5 vs Phoenix 3

T5 welcomed some new players this evening, and as a well known television presenter would have said, 'Didn't they do well!'.

Thomas had only had a 10 minute session of matchplay at training last week, with a very hasty pre-match pep talk about defending positioning and where to stand for a free pass. He quickly found his stride with defending, didn't over-commit, was a most excellent rebounder, had accurate passing, instinctively found space, and will soon get the hang of how to attack his player by using the feed to start scoring goals.

Daughter & Dad duo Chloe and Tom also played their seniors debut for Tigers. Chloe was able to practice all her newly learned tricks from playing in the U14NL, and added a really lovely running in shot to her tally this season. Tom's vitality and energy really kept the team motivated. Lots of shots taken, great movement and passing, and a goal for him too.

Phoenix's attacks were often pretty static, and with patience we were able to keep up steady defensive pressure until they made a mistake. Old timers Jacqui (4), Zoe (3) and Mateja (2) weren't really stretched by the younger Phoenix girls so were able to take advantage. Daniel (1) and Joe were well matched so didn't feature so highly in the scoreline, but their energy and creativity in their respective divisions really opened up our attacks.

A fantastic team effort!

(In all the post match excitement we forgot to take a team photo, so you get me and Daniel's selfie instead)

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