Cambridge Tigers Korfball Club

Cambridge Tigers Korfball Club

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Tigers 5 vs Vikings 3

15 January 2023 | Tom Maher
Tigers 5 vs Vikings 3

Vikings 3 were today’s opponents as T5 looked to continue their winning ways from Tuesday night.

Unfortunately, Vikings only had three ladies at their disposal for today’s match meaning the dynamic of the game was somewhat different. For the majority of the game Ellie and Jacqui adopted the feed and collect position under the post as they were unable to shoot due to the deficit of the Vikings players.

However, a job still needed to be done and a game to be won. Tigers were fast out of the blocks as Tom scored two successive penalties in as many minutes due to some overzealous defending by the Vikings. This was then met by a successful attack from the Vikings. 2-1.

Jacqui and Ellie continued doing a great job in the feeding and collecting department whilst a tonne of energy and enthusiasm was being displayed by Joe, Chloe, Thomas and Cindy which allowed for a few successful attacks for Tigers. 

Owen was a great outlet with his strength and size which meant he had his fair share of collects and shots resulting in one dropping in the korf nicely from mid range. Sadly, Owen had to end the game prematurely in the first half due to an ankle injury. 7-1 at the half.

Tigers came out in the second half displaying pure dominance on the defensive side of things not allowing a shot in for the whole 25 minutes. Combine this with a flurry of goals led to the Tigers seeing out a comfortable 13-1 victory.


Tom (6), Thomas (3), Owen (1), Ellie (1), Jacqui (1), Ellis (1)

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