Cambridge Tigers Korfball Club

Cambridge Tigers Korfball Club

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Tigers 2 vs Tornadoes 2

26 April 2023 | Olivia Harcourt +
Tigers 2 vs Tornadoes 2

With more than half the first team missing, it was up to our third team players to bolster the second team for our match against Tornadoes 2. What a humdinger! After a shakey start, going down 0-3, Tigers found their rhythm and took a 7-4 lead. From this point Tigers were never behind, but Tornadoes fought well and kept inching back and equalising. Brilliant composed shooting gave us the lead time and time again, frustrating our opponents and we hung on in there to win out 17-16. Our shortage of boys saw James Northfield coming back from extended leave - and it was like he had never left. 5 goals for sharp shooter Gary and 3 apiece for Luuk and Sam with a nice spread of goals across the team. Catch this game on our youtube channel - not to be missed!

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