Thanks for your message!
We will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible.
The Cottenham Tigers U11s had another round of CKA matches today vs Cambridge City.
Our two Tigers teams played in a couple of round robins vs their one team. The matches got closer and closer as the morning progressed, with all our players improving both their defending and attacking play. The final Tigers vs Tigers game was a nail-biter finish, with a last minute goal from Emily securing the win for her team. The other goals of the day were from Luka and Ben, but everyone was getting lots of shots up with Maxley rebounding like a pro, resulting in some great attacks and turnovers.
We had a fantastic game of killer at half time, and even got the parents involved!
More games planned for next Sunday, when Ely Vikings and Milton Keynes U11s will be joining us with City at Hills Road.
We will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible.