Falkirk and Linlithgow HC


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M3s vs Edinburgh University 6

01 October 2023 | Mitchell Drummond
M3s vs Edinburgh University 6

M3s started the day off for FAL as the first game to get underway for the weekend. Arriving at Falkirk High having somehow got a squad of 13 thanks to some last minute change of mind from some players. Solid squad still a bit make shift with the captain Mitchell having to put on the goalie kit for the first time this season looking to extend his unbeaten run as a keeper.

The 3s started the match strongly controlling possession and getting into Uni’s circle but without getting any outcomes to speak of. This dominance helped by the fact Uni were running a few players light at the start of the match. As the rest of the Uni team arrived the game became a bit more chaotic in the midfield with the 3s dominating in both final 3rds but losing the midfield battle which saw uni counter quickly only for there attack to be expertly delt with by the 3s defensive unit. Unfortunately this did not hold out as Uni broke into the D got to the base line and pulled the ball back across the goal past Mitchell’s only attempt at a dive for the game for a tap in. 0-1 Uni at quarter time.

2nd quarter starts with the 3s playing better hockey, shorter link up passes that allow us to again control the game. The quarter was fairly uneventful except for Cyb being green carded for knocking the ball away, despite a similar offence from his opposite number who got just a warning, 3s did create some more outcomes with a couple penalty corners that went just wide or the save fell kindly for the defence.

Half time team talk got the 3s ready to go with the emphasis on building through the pitch as it what we had done well. By this time Alastair had arrived from school hockey and proved to be our catalyst for the game going forward.

That being said early in the 3rd we conceded again in a similar manner, baseline pull back and after a bit of bobbling around the Uni striker questionably managed to put the ball in the net. After this is where the team rallied and turned the game around. Alastair came into the pivot role and just read the game giving us real control across the pitch. This then lead to us getting a couple more penalty corners which saw Brodie flick it just above the back board but into the corner leaving the uni keeper helpless. 2-1 back in the game. After which Gardner picked up his green for arguing with the umpire, a sadly common theme in this 3s squad. Brodie also saw green for similar but in the 4th quarter.

4th quarter saw the 3s really start to play hockey however. High press bringing joy with all of the forwards making interceptions and getting the ball into Uni’s D. The leveller came from another short corner which saw Brodie flick it high past the keeper. From then could see Uni were trying to force the ball a bit more which played right into Alastair’s hands as he doubled up with the others in midfield to win the ball as the second tackler. At one point this saw Alastair high in the right hand corner with the ball. He then crashes the ball across the D to find a diving Gardner who turn the ball in and give us the lead. Unconfirmed reports say Alastair only found Gardner with such accuracy as he channelled all his anger into his hit, anger toward Gardner quite possibly. The game continued in this vain with Mayberry at CB doing little more than walking around shadowing the Uni striker.

Until the champagne moment of the game, as recanted by Gardner who was part of it and saw it first hand. “With Uni now trailing by a goal and forced to press higher and make riskier passes, FAL capitalised, making an interception in midfield, playing the ball to Cybulski, who had dropped deep, with a textbook reverse stick pickup and confident pass towards Gardner in the corner, who took it on his reverse stick, chipping it slightly, spun and played the ball on the half volley to Brodie, spinning his marker with his first touch around his back, to smash home around a stranded keeper with a diving reverse hit.” To quote Brodie “Never heard a cheer so loud for a goal” gave us the two goal cushion.

The final goal of the game saw Gardner pick the ball up in the D and do his usual spin which everyone usually loves from him. This time the team did as he spun and slotted it effortlessly past the uni keeper for 5. Great comeback and win for the 3’s. 

Man of the Match went to Brodie narrowly beating out Alastair by 2 votes.

🏑🏑🏑 Chris

🏑🏑 Adam G

🏆 Chris

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