Hedge End Running Club

Hedge End Running Club

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RR10 Race 10 IBM Hursley - Report

22 August 2024 | Robert Jones
RR10 Race 10 IBM Hursley - Report

Thank you to all who have made this RR10 season such a success, we have loved being your reps this season. ❤️🤍💙

There are so many people to celebrate this season and if I have missed anyone out I am so sorry! 

You have all done superbly well and the individual performances have been incredible. 

Our women's team came 3rd overall 

Our men's team came 5th! 

In the overall rankings, Bex Stark came 7th in the ladies league! 

Rob Dempster secured his V50 age category win tonight 👏👏👏

And we of course have age category wins for Mel Ford, Christina Kluth and Tracey Shepperd 👏👏👏 

Thank you to all who have marshalled, run, baked and helped us make this incredible season what it was. 

Finally, none of this would run AT ALL without the legend that is Robert Jones - the Obi Wan to my Luke, the Hall to my Oates 🤣 thanks mate for all you do - I just bring the cake and the vibes 🤣

CC6 will soon be upon us but until then - please consider joining us next season - we'll see you in April!! 

Rob and Kymmers xxx

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