Hailsham Hockey Club

Hailsham Hockey Club

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Subscriptions & Fees

Hailsham Hockey Club continues to offer one of the most competitive fee structures in the county. We do our best to keep fees flexible and low in order to be as inclusive as possible. This wouldn’t be possible without the support of our volunteers (coaches, umpires & administrators) and sponsors. Big thank you to them!

These can be paid via BACS, cash or via our Teamo App area. Our Teamo App also enables you to set up monthly payment instalments for the season, spreading the cost of all fees throughout the season.

Junior Member Subscriptions 2024/25

Millers £30

Junior Training Fees 2023/24

£3 for one child

£5 for two children

£6 for three children

Adult Member Subscriptions 2024/25

If first payment is before 31st October.

Adults £135

Students (U21 or in full time education) £50

Training only £50

If first payment is after 31st October please add £5 to the subscription.

Match fees 2024/25:

Seniors £10

Under-21 student/ full-time education £6

Under-16 £4

Please make payments to Hailsham Hockey Club via Teamo or BACS: 

For Adult Section Related Payments:

  • Account Number: 44801833
  • Sort Code: 23-05-80
  • Please use a payment reference that includes your name and the word ‘SUBS’

For Junior Section Related Payments:

  • Account Number: 44801825
  • Sort Code: 23-05-80
  • Please use a payment reference that includes your child’s initial and surname and the word ‘SUBS’

Our Partners

Smythe & Barrie
Smythe & Barrie
England Hockey
South East Hockey
Bartlett Plumbing & Heating Men's 2s
Diplocks Cafe Men's 1s
Hailsham FM
England Hockey
South East Hockey
Bartlett Plumbing & Heating Men's 2s
Diplocks Cafe Men's 1s
Hailsham FM
members nameclub role
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