Leicester Hockey Club

Leicester Hockey Club

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Membership 2023-24

Thinking About Joining ... ?

If you’re interested in joining us, we’d love to hear from you! Whether it's Women's, Men's or Junior Section, whether you are a current player, returning player or never played before, OR if you are a parent of a young player or if you live in the area or thinking of moving to Leicestershire, then the best person to make contact with is our Club President, Dave.

Membership Information 2023-24

  • Player Subscription (Adults) £125
  • Adult Social/Occasional [8 Game max.] £100
  • Junior/Youth £90
  • Leicester University/DMU £Free

Flexible arrangements can be made to spread the costs if required.

League/Cup Match Fees: £7.50

Junior Match Fees: Depending on games/tournaments

How to join:

New Members, click on the link below for the "Teamo App" and register with Leicester Hockey Club, or copy this into your browser search window https://www.teamo.chat/club/register/leicshc (it's free.)

NB: Senior players ALSO need to be enrolled on England Hockey's Game Management System (GMS) with "Leicester Hockey Club". (This is also free.)

"So what's my Membership for and where do my Match Fees go?"

The Hockey Club is run by a volunteer Committee, Team Captains and Coaches.

The money coming into the club is spent on:

Pitch and Pavilion Hire, Coaching Costs, Floodlighting and Watering, Insurance, First Aid Provision (Training and First Aid Kits), Umpiring and Coaching Courses, Umpires Fees, League Registration, Affiliation Fees, Competition Entries, Trophies, Teamo & Website Fees, Match Balls, Coaching Equipment, Match-day Refreshments and Hospitality.

The Management Committee reviews the Membership Fee each year and the accounts are available at the AGM. LHC strive to provide "coaching, recreational and competitive opportunities in the sport of hockey*" and hope to always provide value-for-money!

*extract from Club Constitution

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