Folkestone Mixed 1 vs South Saxons - Play-Offs

24 August 2024 | Ned Naisbitt
Folkestone Mixed 1 vs South Saxons - Play-Offs

Two titans in red collided for this week’s fixture. South Saxons vs Cliftonville, the pundits had had this one on the calendar since the draw. It looked to be a high-octane affair and did not disappoint.

Saxons were clearly feeling confident early on, with the Ville defence repelling multiple waves of attack (without too much bother it must be said). Ville answered back with some pressure of their own, with a plethora of chances created and a decent bit of threat on the Saxons goal.

Chances for Mowgli, Kat, Kerry and Ned all looked promising but eventually it was a Dan-Dan combination that did for the Saxons defence. A lovely aerial ball by Mees was picked up by Vinson, who strolled into the circle and placed a calm shot to the keeper’s left. 1-0 Ville with half time fast approaching.

The second half started in earnest, with Ville’s extra subs starting to show on the pitch. A tiring Saxons team struggled to maintain meaningful possession, and the game opened up for the Ville midfielders. Chances came and went with lots of flash on display, but the pick of the lot was Kat’s twisty-turny-topsy-turvy waltz into the circle which was achingly close to being finished off.

Final Score:

Cliftonville HC 1 – 0 South Saxons

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