Wear It Pink

11 October 2023
Wear It Pink


Raising money for Breast Cancer Now has become an annual event - each year getting pinker than the last. There's usually an unwritten competition between the women's and men's sections - but you didn't hear that from me.

We ask, that if you're attending the adult section training on 17th & 18th October, that you (a) wear it pink, and (b) drop by our JustGiving page and chuck some money in the collection if you can.

"We’re dedicated to giving support for today and hope for the future, for everyone affected by breast cancer.

We’re researchers, building a better future. Nurses and expert staff, supporting you no matter what. Campaigners, fighting to change the things that matter the most. Volunteers, giving their time, talent and passion. Fundraisers, making sure that our vital work can keep going.

We know that breast cancer isn’t yesterday’s problem. Over 55,000 people are diagnosed every year in the UK alone. And 1,000 people still die from the disease every month. That’s why we’re here today. Now."

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Clear Safety
England Hockey
South East Hockey
England Hockey
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