Safeguarding U18s and At Risk Adults


Cobham Lacrosse Club Commitment for

Safeguarding and Protecting Young People and Vulnerable (At-Risk) Adults

 COBHAM LACROSSE CLUB (‘The Club’ or CLC) adopts England Lacrosse (EL) policies ‘Safeguarding and Protecting Young People in Lacrosse’ (Policy, Procedures, and Guidance) and ‘Safeguarding Adults’ (Policy and Procedures) to ensure all those in our and the wider lacrosse community have a safe and positive experience when with us.


·      Lacrosse Community – The lacrosse community includes all individuals, clubs, associations, and other organisations involved in any capacity in the game of lacrosse, whether members of England Lacrosse or not. This includes all players, parents, spectators and anyone working within lacrosse (in a paid or voluntary capacity, whether as an employee or on a self-employed or other work basis) including all coaches, umpires, referees, and other officials;

·       Young People – Anyone under the age of 18;

·      Vulnerable (At-Risk) Adults – Anyone over the age of 18 deemed to be vulnerable (at-risk) as per EL Safeguarding Adults (Policy and Procedures).


·      recognise that all young people and adults participating in lacrosse (regardless of age, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, ability or disability) have the right to play in an environment free from poor practice, abuse, and harm;

·    ensure that all who work at/for CLC (including staff, officials, volunteers, team managers and coaches) understand their responsibility to safeguard young people and any vulnerable (at-risk) adults in the CLC community and understand CLC safeguarding policy/guidance;

·       ensure that all individuals working at or for the Club are recruited in accordance with England Lacrosse’s recruitment guidance;

·     ensure that all individuals working within lacrosse at, or for, CLC are provided with support through education and training so that they are aware of and adhere to England Lacrosse’s Code of Ethics and Behaviour;

·       ensure CLC safeguarding policy is respectful of the perspective of a potentially at-risk adult or that of a young person to ensure that their wellbeing is paramount;

·     ensure that the CLC community understands that while responsibility for determining whether poor safeguarding practice or abuse has taken place rests with CLC or, escalated, with EL Welfare (and may also rest with external professionals), it is the duty of the duty of all in our CLC community to report any safeguarding concerns to the Club.


Roles and Responsibilities for Safeguarding and Protecting Young People and ‘At Risk’ Adults at the Club:

 The Cobham Lacrosse Chair will ensure the name and contact details of the Welfare and Safeguarding Officer are available on the Club website and via the Club app so that the Welfare Officer is named and known as:

  • the first point of contact on safeguarding for the Club in the wider community and for adults, parents, young people, and volunteers/staff within the Club;
  • the main point of contact within the Club for the England Lacrosse Lead Safeguarding Consultant;
  • a source of procedure and advice for both Safeguarding and Protecting Young People and Vulnerable (‘At Risk’) Adults for the Club, its Committee and its members.


By signing this document, the Cobham Lacrosse Chair commits to the above.



 Dr SM Macrae

Cobham Lacrosse Chair

 Date: 1st August 2023

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