The club maintains and operates closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras within designated areas in the club house, car park and members’ enclosure.
We have adopted the following policy that supports the guiding principles recommended as part of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
1. We use CCTV to deter criminals, reduce and investigate crime, protect our premises and help to keep safe everyone who works and visits here.
2. We regularly review the need for CCTV to ensure its use remains justified.
3. Signs are clearly displayed to advise that CCTV is in operation. Any questions or concerns about the CCTV or requests for access to recordings should be directed to the club secretary.
4. The main committee have overall accountability and responsibility for all CCTV activities including images and information collected, held and used.
5. The CCTV system will be operated fairly, lawfully, with due regard for the privacy of individuals and only for the purposes set out in this policy. Any changes to the purposes for which CCTV is operated will require prior approval by the committee.
6. We only store CCTV recordings for the stated purposes of having CCTV. Recordings will be deleted after 14 days unless an incident is recorded which requires further investigation. In the latter case, recordings may be kept for up to three years from the date of recording.
7. Access to CCTV recordings is restricted to the head of bar (licensee), nominated alternative license holder and bar manager who will only view recordings following a reported incident. They may disclose images and information to the Police and main committee where this is necessary in connection with a serious incident.
8. The CCTV system comprises of visible cameras which continuously record activities in the designated areas. The images are stored on a digital video recorder which is kept in a secure, locked area accessible only by the head of bar (licensee), nominated alternative license holder and bar manager. Agreed and ratified by the main committee on 24th February 2020
Agreed and ratified by the main committee on 24th February 2020
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