Your committee members can have varying levels of access making it safe and secure for all.
A quick rundown of the different levels of access you have are:
Some additional roles include:
We recommend assigning the roles accordingly (note this is just a suggestion, some clubs might want to mix it up depending on personnel)
Admins: Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer
Club Section Managers: Men's Club Captain, Ladies Club Captain, Head of Juniors
Sub-Section Managers: U18 Head Coach, Performance Coach
Team Managers/Captains: U18 A's Manager, 1st XI Captain
These roles all have the same level of access but are slightly different in certain areas. Surrounding events, when Captains mark their availability, the summary numbers will change for the event whereas if a Manager updates their availability, the numbers will stay the same. This is because the Captain is counted as a player but a Manager is not.
Thus, if someone is running the admin of the team and plays, assign them the Captain label. If they run the team but do not play, mark them as a Manager
You can have multiple different roles across the club. Anyone can be set as a Manager/Captain/Player/Guardian in any of the teams that your club has.
Yes, this will depend on the package size that you have. More information can be found here.
Free Package - 1 admin
Bronze Package - 2 admins
Silver Package - 5 admins
Gold Package - 5 admins
Platinum Package - 10 Admins
If you want to grant members some access within the platform, but only in certain areas, head over to 'Manage Club Roles'.
Here you can allow people access to different areas within Teamo and keep their access to other parts restricted.
For example, your treasurer will only have access to the Finances side of Teamo, but will not be able to message players from other teams.
This is also where you are able to assign a Webmaster. So your website can be managed by a club member, who does not need any further access within Teamo.
To change a member's level of access, head to their account. You can either search for their name using the search bar or head to their team and find them that way. Once you have found them, select their profile. Scroll down to Teams/Groups and select the cog icon next to this. Here you can change a member's access for sections and/or teams, by tapping the P (Player), C (Captain), G (Guardian) or M (Manager).
Tap your Profile Icon > Manage Club > Manage Club Roles. Then search for the user, click Teamo Club Admin and finally click Done to save it.
If you go into Manage Club Roles (noted above) you can click the 'x' to remove their permissions. Note: If a user is an admin and a webmaster for example, this is classed as two roles, so you will need to click the 'x' twice.
They both hold the same access, but when captains mark their availability the summary numbers in the event will change whereas a Manager marking their availability will not change any of the attendance numbers.
Yes - if you are an admin. Head to your account and click the cog icon beside Teams/Groups and adjust your roles accordingly.
Tap your profile icon, then your name to bring up your profile > Tap your child's name, to bring their profile up > Click the edit button in the top right corner > Enter their number or email >Click save!
Once their number or email is saved in the system, they will be able to login to their own account from their phone. They will need to enter their phone number or email. They will then receive a One-Time-Passcode they can enter which will let them into the app.
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