Teamo - Club Management Made Easy

Teamo - Club Management Made Easy

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Creating your Club

Creating your Club

Creating Your Teamo Club

Running a team or club shouldn’t be a hassle. Teamo is here to simplify your life as a committee member by tackling everyday challenges like tracking player availability, handling membership payments, and streamlining communications—all in one easy-to-use app.

Take the stress out of management. Get started today—download the Teamo app now and make your team run smoother than ever!

Get Started Today

1. Setting up your club in the Teamo app:

  • Download the Teamo app from the App Store or Play Store.
  • Open the app and select Create a Club.
  • Enter your details as prompted and select Club.
  • Provide the club details, then click Create.
  • Name your first team, and proceed to the next step.
  • You can invite members now or later.
  • Customise your app and set up Teamo Payments.

Your club is now ready to use!

2. Setting up online via the Teamo website:

  • Visit our website, select get started and follow the same steps as outlined above.
  • For the best experience, we recommend using Google Chrome, Teamo's preferred browser.

Adding or Managing Multiple Clubs on Teamo

Already have a team or club set up?

No problem! You can manage or be a member of multiple clubs within Teamo.

If you wish to create another club:

  • Tap your profile icon and select Join New Team/Club.
  • Choose Create New to start a new club or join an existing one by entering the 5-digit code provided by the club admins.

If you're joining a club via a link:

  • Register with your initial contact details to connect both clubs to your account.
  • Switch between clubs effortlessly using the Switch Clubs button in the app.

Creating your Teamo Club - Mobile Phone

Have my Club already signed up?

If you open the teamo app and select the join team button at the bottom, here you can search for the club in our system. Please ensure you are selecting the correct club. We recommend contacting your club to obtain a link or code to ensure you join the correct club.

How do I swap between clubs in the app?

In the bottom right corner of the home page, you should see a switch clubs button. If you tap this, you can then shift your view over to other clubs that you are linked to.

How do I find my Club's registration link?

As an admin to find this link you must head to your homepage > select the plus icon > select add members > select copy invite link > this needs to be sent to the members of your club to allow them to join.

As a member you should have been sent your club's registration link via an admin, manager or captain at the club. If you have not received this then do get in touch with someone at the club and ask them to send this across to you.

I haven't received my SMS activation code to get into the app

We send the SMS activation codes when you enter your mobile number linked to your Teamo registration. Firstly please ensure you have entered your mobile number correctly. If you have entered this correctly then do check the email account you have used in the registration process too, as the verification code will get sent to your email in case it doesn't go through via SMS.

If it doesn't come through via email either this may be due to a typo when first entering your email address. If this is the case then please send us a message via the in-app Support Chat or Message Teamo Support via email and we can take a closer look for you.

I have joined a new club and want to be remove from the old one. How do I do this?

If you tap your profile icon and then your name, you will be able to scroll to the bottom of your profile and delete your account. This will only delete you from the club that you were in as you clicked this button.

You will ONLY be able to do this if you have no outstanding invoices.

If you are struggling, an admin or one of the support team can action this for you. If you choose to email support or send us a message through the in-app support function, please let us know the name of the club you'd like to be removed from.

NOTE: We cannot recover any deleted accounts due to GDPR reasons.

Our Partners

England Hockey
ECB - Play-Cricket
GB Australian Rules Football
England Hockey
ECB - Play-Cricket
GB Australian Rules Football
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