Bulk upload your fixtures into our Teamo calendar.
Teamo allows you to upload all future fixtures via a spreadsheet to plan ahead for the full season. If your team or club's match details are on Fixtures Live, Full-Time or PlayCricket then it is extremely easy to import your fixtures into the teamo Calendar.
Head to manage club > select import fixtures > here you can upload a xlsx or csv file or you can upload via Full Time, GMS, or PlayCricket.
Once you have uploaded your fixtures into the import fixtures section you will be able to clarify all headings and ensure all information is correct. See tutorial video for more information!
To import your fixtures to the Calendar, head to Manage Club > Import Fixtures. This is a desktop only feature!
You will need the downloaded version of your fixtures from Play Cricket. Once you have this, you can then upload the file to Teamo and label the columns to upload the fixtures. Take a look at our tutorial video on Importing Fixtures from an Excel File for more details.
You will need the downloaded version of your fixtures from GMS. Once you have this, you can then upload the file to Teamo and label the columns to upload the fixtures. Take a look at our tutorial video on Importing Fixtures from an Excel File for more details.
Find your club/team on Full Time and copy and paste the link.
You can upload your file in the following format:
Date / Team /Opposition / Home/Away / Competition / Time / Venue
Once your fixtures are in the Uploader, you need to label your column headings. To do this, click on label icon next to the top row. Then click each label icon next to each title to label your Column headings (e.g. Date / Team /Opposition / Home-Away / Competition / Time / Venue). For more details please watch our Import Fixture tutorial video!
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