Teamo - Club Management Made Easy

Teamo - Club Management Made Easy

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Flexibility in every sense of the word

Our product system allows you to collect money for memberships, match fees or tickets, with instalment and concession options to suit all members needs.

"We have different memberships available for different sections/teams"

No problem! You can create memberships and make them only available to specific teams, groups or sections. This means that members are not confused by multiple memberships on offer to them and their membership category is chosen for them!

"We have various concession options"

For every payment you request from members, you'll be able to set concessions for your players. Perhaps you have a different price for students? It's so simple to do, teamo will even suggest concessions based on each players' payment history.

"We allow members to pay in monthly instalments if they wish"

For each product, you can decide if you wish to set up instalment options. You have the flexibility, to choose the frequency of instalment options (e.g. weekly or monthly) and how often the instalments need to come out.

"...however, the first instalment is more expensive than the following instalments"

Our memberships are flexible to suit all members needs. Non-equal instalments are also available to set up where the first instalment can be a different value from the following payments."

How to Create a Match Fee Product - Desktop

Note: You can also create a match fee via the app, following the same steps as the ones above!

How to Create a Membership Product - Desktop

Note: You can also create a membership via the app, following the same steps as the ones above!

How to Create a Ticket Product - Desktop

Note: You can also create a ticket via the app, following the same steps as the ones above!

Adding a Product to an Event - Desktop

Note: You can also add a product to an event via the app, following the same steps as the ones above!

How do I setup a payment product?

To setup a payment, go to Settings and select Manage Club then Manage Club Products.

Tap New Product then select the product you want to set up (Match Fees, Membership or Ticket).

Edit the details and tap Save New Product then Ok.

Can I setup instalment options?

Yes, you can either create a one off payment membership or if you switch on Pay in Instalments; you can select the number and frequency of payment instalments for your club membership.

Can I setup concessions?

Yes, there is no limit on the amount of concessions you can create! For example, you can setup different rates for student, goalkeepers or under 18s.

How do I setup a membership products?

To setup a payment, go to Settings and select Manage Club then Manage Club Products.

Tap New Product then select the product you want to set up (Match Fees, Membership or Ticket).

Edit the details and tap Save New Product then Ok.

What is a card charge?

If you choose to turn card charges on, this can be helpful to cover the cumulative transaction charge (2.4% +20p) from Stripe (1.4%+20p) or GoCardlesss (1%+20p) and teamo (1%, min 5p), however this is completely up to you.

What is a limited time period?

A Limited time period is often used when you either have a deadline or if you wish to create an earlybird price for your product.

How do I setup a match fee products?

To setup a payment, go to Settings and select Manage Club then Manage Club Products.

Tap New Product then select the product you want to set up (Match Fees, Membership or Ticket).

Edit the details and tap Save New Product then Ok.

Our Partners

England Hockey
ECB - Play-Cricket
GB Australian Rules Football
England Hockey
ECB - Play-Cricket
GB Australian Rules Football
members nameclub role
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