Safeguarding & Documents


Below are the titles and links to Blueharts’ policies, codes and procedures. These documents may contain several topics. To find a particular topic go to the alphabetic index on the drop-down from the heading where the link will take you to the document in which the topic is covered.

  • Blueharts Hockey Club Constitution 2023.pdf
  • Members Code of Conduct June 2022.pdf
  • Induction Training 2022.pdf
  • Blueharts Comms and social media policy Feb 2024.pdf
  • Code of ethics diversity March 2024.pdf
  • Blueharts Committee Ways of Working REV 2 - Approved 8 July 2024.pdf
  • Pitch Safety Emergency Reporting REV 4 - Approved Juy 2024.pdf
  • Use and security of members data REV 1 - Approved July 2024.pdf


Blueharts are affiliates of England Hockey.

We achieved England Hockey's ClubMark accreditation in October 2022.

Here you will find some links to England Hockey policies to which we adhere. as an affiliated club have adopted a number of England Hockey policies. The club will work not only to follow the letter of the policies but also the spirt of these documents.

The continued adoption of these policies was confirmed at the Executive Meeting of 24th February 2021.

Below the adopted policies are listed with links to England Hockey so members can read the full text.


It is important that all accident/incidents are reported and recorded as soon as possible after the event so that any further investigation can take place with the aim or reducing accidents.

When at Lucas Lane this should be in the Accident Folder kept in the office. However, it is recognised that for away games or if at HBS it is not always possible to enter the accident in the folder. It is therefore possible to download an accident form and complete it at home. Then e-mail it to the Safety Officer for the club.

Below are links to the Accident Report form and to guidance.


England Hockey believes that all young people have the right to be safe and enjoy their involvement in hockey and is committed to promoting the welfare of all young people in our sport to protect them from harm. In this instance, a young person is defined as anyone under the age of 18.

England Hockey’s safeguarding young people policy is named SafeD.

All young people have the right to be safe and enjoy hockey. Learn about promoting the welfare of all young people in our sport to protect them from harm SafeD Policy.

This policy covers the commitments of those who adopt the policy, how to recognise poor practice and abuse, how to report safeguarding and welfare concerns, useful contacts and provides links to templates and further guidance.

All hockey clubs, associations and individuals are bound to this policy, regardless of their role or whether they have links to young people.

Blueharts HC have adopted SafeD and have our certificate of commitment to it available to view for all current and prospective members.

Blueharts also adopts and uses the Respect Code of Conduct and expects all its members, parents, young people, coaches, captains and officials to be aware of it and abide by it.



All adults who are working or volunteering at Blueharts have a duty of care to remain vigilant and report any suspicions of poor practice or abuse of a child.

It is NOT their responsibility to decide whether an abuse has taken place, but it IS their responsibility to report any concerns they do have to the Welfare Officer.

This can be done verbally or written, and anyone can discuss concerns even if they are unsure as to whether it is worth reporting as the Welfare Officer may have more information or details about that child that others are not aware of.

All captains, coaches, volunteers and anyone working alongside our junior players will have the appropriate safeguarding training and they will also be aware of the following England Hockey Documents:


All injuries and accidents involving under 18s will be reported to the child’s parents by the Lead Coach or Captain as soon as possible.

Injuries and accidents that require more attention than an ice pack or plaster will be recorded on an accident form, this will be retained in the folder in the clubhouse office and the Welfare Officer made aware.

This includes any injury requiring the attention of a First Aider or Medical Staff, a hospital visit or subsequent visit to the GP and should include all head injuries.

As per EH guidance, these injuries should also be reported to them via the online reporting form:


• Ensure your child is wearing a mouth guard and shin pads during all coaching sessions and matches.

• Inform the club of any changes to the contact and medical details given upon registration.

• Encourage your child to learn the rules and play within them.

• Discourage unfair play, arguing with officials and publicly accept officials’ judgements.

• Help your child to recognise good performance, not just results.

• Set a good example by recognising fair play an applauding the good performance of all.

• Never belittle a child for losing or making mistakes.

• Support your child’s involvement and help them to enjoy their sport.

• Use correct and proper language at all times.

• For U13s; accompany your child to and from the pitch or ensure someone you trust accompanies them.

• If your child has agreed to participate in an event and subsequently becomes unavailable, please telephone the appropriate official as soon as possible.

• Do not use a mobile phone in the changing rooms.

Our Partners

HG Construction
The Sports District
Ross Williams Solicitors
Fullbrook & Floor
EMH Technology
Phillip Parker
GLF Handyman Services
Davies Vets
NFU Mutual
HG Construction
The Sports District
Ross Williams Solicitors
Fullbrook & Floor
EMH Technology
Phillip Parker
GLF Handyman Services
Davies Vets
NFU Mutual
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