Timperley Tournament for M3/4s

21 May 2023 | Jim Garside
Timperley Tournament for M3/4s

Gents, great day today. Won 1, drew 2 lost 2.

We had a bit of a dip in the middle but came back strong in the final game.

Hope you all enjoyed it, hockey, sun, great bunch of lads, what’s not to enjoy!

Special mention to super sub Deano, keeper by trade but great performance outfield

Great debutant performance from Fergus - strong and uncompromising. Well done!

Lots of MOTT votes for Jamie - he seemed to be everywhere - defending and attacking. 

More MOTT votes for Neil - saving at least 3 shots on the line!

Thanks to Neil and Tom for umpiring other matches on behalf of Wilmslow.

Thanks to Pete for the social media.

Finally thanks to Tim for organising, captaining and bringing the biscuits!

Vive les M4’s 🏑💥

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