Spencer Juniors has over 600 members, with ages ranging from 5 to 18, and is run almost entirely by volunteers, supported by several professional coaches. The Junior Section is organised and run by the Junior Hockey Committee (JHC), under the guidance of our Director of Junior Hockey, Oli Bell. The members of the JHC are all parents of Junior members, and the JHC represents our Junior members at the Hockey Club AGM. Many of our volunteer coaches have played hockey to a high standard, and we have a large number of other volunteers who undertake various roles, without whom we simply could not operate. We are very grateful to them all.
Our Training Programme is designed and overseen by our Director of Junior Hockey, Oli Bell. The Training Programme is based on recommendations set out by England Hockey, and offers progression through all skills and techniques, as well as game-play.
Sessions are delivered by our Age Group Coaches, who are mostly parents who volunteer their time and skill, and many of whom have undertaken courses within the England Hockey Coach Development Pathway. Our volunteer coaches are supported by a number of professional coaches, particularly in the older age groups.
We require all Volunteers working with children to be DBS checked and to undertake child safeguarding training. There is a qualified first aider at all training sessions.
Our Player Pathway embraces our Club ethos, and explains how we manage team selection, league choices, county nominations, and the transition from junior to senior hockey. We put the player first.
The Junior teams are entered into competitions appropriate to their age and experience. All players are given equal opportunity to play in teams appropriate for their ability. Generally, children will play in their age groups, but in exceptional circumstances, a child may be able to ‘play up’ an age group, if authorised by our Director of Junior Hockey.
As a general rule:
We are committed to the development of our Junior players, and work closely with our Senior Section to provide appropriate opportunities for Juniors to play in adult teams. Juniors must have reached the age of 13 to be able to play in adult-only competitions, and must be 15 or above to play in the England Hockey League. Junior players will only be given this opportunity if it is considered to be in the best interest of that player, in consultation with our Director of Junior Hockey.
Spencer Juniors is open to all children from the ages of 5 to 18, regardless of sex, age, disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or other beliefs. Children must be in at least school year 1 in September to join.
Our waiting list opens on the 1st of September once a child starts Reception at school.
If you would like to join us, and your child is in Reception through to Year 3 at school, please contact our Membership Secretary, Donna Kirby (Message Donna Kirby) with the following information:
If your child is in school Year 4 or above, a link will appear here at 8am on 1 May. Click on the link to register interest for your child to join us from September 2025. Any vacancies in our squads will be offered to families in the order in which they sign up on 1 May.
Offers of places are typically made for the next full season, starting in September. Although from time-to-time places become available during the season, this is rare. Shortly after the end of the season, we process renewals of existing members, and at that time we know how many places will become available for the following September.
We adhere to England Hockey’s required coaching ratios and are run almost exclusively by volunteers, including volunteer hockey coaches, without whom we cannot operate. Offers of places at Spencer Juniors are made strictly in accordance with order on the respective age group waitlist, provided that a sufficient number of volunteer hockey coaches has been found from parents of children on the waitlist to meet the England Hockey required coaching ratio for the respective age group. Otherwise, hockey cannot be delivered and the age group cannot run.
If there are insufficient volunteer hockey coaches for an age group to run, a child lower down the waitlist may be offered a place, if that child has a parent/guardian that is a volunteer hockey coach that will coach the age group and enable the required England Hockey coaching ratio to be met. In that event, any child that is higher up the waitlist and would ordinarily have been offered a place but for the need for a volunteer hockey coach will receive a place at the next opportunity.
As there tends only to be a limited number of spaces after our Under 9 intake (school year 4), it is our policy to dispense with waitlists after that age group. However, we encourage those that are or remain interested in joining to apply/re-apply in May each year, and any places will be assigned in the order in which applications are received.
All offers of places must be authorised by the JHC. Offers made should be accepted promptly, and are subject to payment of the membership fee in full. In case an offer is not accepted promptly, the Club may decide unilaterally to rescind the offer, and if appropriate offer the place to another child.
The parent/guardian of any child not offered a place with Spencer Juniors has the right to appeal against the refusal of membership. The appeal shall be lodged in writing with the Junior Hockey Committee via Message Donna Kirby
Our Junior membership fee covers all Sunday training sessions and matches from September to March in a particular season. There are no match fees. We offer a discount to members with a Junior member sibling already in the Club and paying a full membership fee.
We additionally offer all players from U9 and upwards the opportunity for midweek training, in the form of sessions that are open to all members. We also run performance training sessions for our stronger players from U11-16. Invitations to performance sessions are decided by our age group coaches in consultation with our Director of Junior Hockey, and are reviewed throughout the season.
Fee Type
Membership Fee
Junior Membership Fee
Junior Sibling Membership Fee
'Open' Midweek Training
Performance Midweek Training (by invitation only)
We know that hockey is an expensive sport, and we don’t want this to put anyone off enjoying the sport we love. Therefore, we are pleased to be able to offer bursaries of up to 100 % of junior membership fees, to children in need of financial assistance. Applications for a bursary should be made by email to the Membership Secretary, Donna Kirby (Message Donna Kirby), for consideration by the Junior Hockey Committee, and will be treated in confidence.
We operate a Hardship Fund to cover essential kit and equipment, and travel expenses, to children in need of financial assistance. Applications for a grant from the Hardship Fund should be made by email to the Membership Secretary, Donna Kirby (Message Donna Kirby), for consideration by the Junior Hockey Committee, and will be treated in confidence.
Sunday 1st September to Sunday 15th December 2024 and Sunday 5th January to Sunday 30th March 2025.
There will be NO hockey training on Sunday 27th October 2024 and Sunday 16th February 2025 for the half-term break (although there are sometimes matches for older groups).
Note: Weekday hockey training for the Autumn Term starts from Monday 9th September.
Our main training day is Sunday. We have additional midweek training for age groups from U9 and upwards, for which members pay an additional fee.
We use the following pitches for training and matches on Sundays:
SHC: Spencer Hockey Club; CG: Chestnut Grove Academy; LR: La Retraite School; BP: Battersea Park (far pitch); AELTC: AELTC Roehampton (was the Bank of England Sports Club, Priory Lane); JAGS: JAGS Sports Club, Dulwich.
MU6, MU7, MU8 – SHC, 9.00 – 10.15 am
GU9 – CG, 9.30 - 10.45 am
GU10 – LR, 10.00 - 11.15 am
GU11, GU12 – SHC, 10.15 - 11.45 am
GU14 – SHC, 1:15 - 2:45 pm
GU16 – SHC, 2.45 - 4.00 pm
GU18 – SHC, 4.00 - 5.15 pm
BU9 – CG, 10.45 am – 12.00
BU10 – LR, 11.15 am – 12.30 pm
BU11, BU12 – SHC – 11.45 am – 1.15 pm
BU14 – BP 12-1:30pm
The following groups will train on Friday evenings
BU16 – SHC, 6;30-8pm
BU18 – SHC, 6.30 - 8pm
For further information please check your squad/team page, or contact your age group/team manager.
Age Group
Lead and Main Coaches
Mixed U6 (Year 1)
Catriona Foyle (Main)
Daisy Coombs
Lyndsay Meakin & Bruce Halley (Co-Main Coach )
Andrew Crow, Kathryn Cripps, Christina Forrest, David Harrison, Vicky Innes, Nico Kurt, Melissa Jones, Bella Marcelin-Rice, Georgie Petras, James Piper, Florian Richter (backup), Henry Wyld
Mixed U7 (Year 2)
Tor Liddell
Seamus McNulty & Will Leeder (Co-Main Coaches)
Christian Abrahamsen, Alan Crawford, Mark Davis, Sue Davis, Will Leeder, Tor Liddell, Henry Maughan
Mixed U8 (Year 3)
Girls U9 (Year 4)
Girls U10 (Year 5)
Girls U11 (Year 6)
Girls U12 (Year 7)
Ciara Langtry
Chris Booth
Girls U14 (Year 8 & 9)
Susi Simon
Gitte Berg
Ciara Langtry
Xander Veldhuijzen
James Burns
Girls U16 (Year 10 & 11)
Hannah White (Lead Coach)
Dom Gurney Champion
Foye Weatherhead
Girls U18 (12 &13)
Emma Robertshaw (Lead Coach)
Simon Nicklin
Emma Tonkin
Boys U9 (Year 4)
Boys U10 (Year 5)
Boys U11 (Year 6)
Pieter Staelens
James Piper
Boys U12 (Year 7)
Donna Dempsey
Andrew Crow (Lead Coach)
Boys U14 (Years 8 & 9)
Julia Edbrooke (main)
Gavin Rowlands (Lead Coach)
Boys U16 (Years 10 & 11)
Mark Hopkins
Mike Norman
Sarah Pusey (Lead Coach)
Boys U18 (Years 12 &12)
Julian Alexander
(Lead Coach)
John Turner, Steve Brooks, Xander Veldhuijzen
Weekday Training
Oli Bell & Performance/Open Team
Friday Social Hockey
Xander Veldhuijzen
Holiday Courses/Pre-Season Training
Oli Bell
Spencer Lynx
Lynx Co-Ordinators: Charlotte Hucker, Marcia Gurney-Champion, Donna Kirby, Karen Price, Amrita Sheldon
Emma Robertshaw (Director of Hockey)
Joe Farara,
To supplement Sunday training, we offer Junior members from U9 upwards (and sometimes from U7 upwards) optional midweek hockey training with professional coaches, at an extra cost. You must sign up for these midweek sessions in addition to your membership, and confirm your child has a place before attending any of the sessions. Spaces are limited, therefore please sign up promptly to avoid disappointment. All midweek training is at Spencer Hockey Club.
Midweek hockey will start from Monday 9 September, after Christmas from Monday 6 January and after Easter from Monday 28th April.
If we haven’t posted full details of dates and times, please contact your age group or team manager for this information.
U9-U10 - Monday 4:45-6pm
GU11/12 Performance - Monday 6-7:15pm
BU11/12 Performance - Monday 6-7:15pm
GU15/GU16 Performance - Tuesday 6:15-7:30pm
BU15-BU16 Performance - Tuesday 6:15-7:30pm
BU13/14 Performance - Wednesday 6-7:15pm
GU13/14 Performance - Wednesday 6-7:15pm
U7-U8 - Thursday 5-6:15pm
GKs - Thursday 6:15-7:30pm
GU11/12/BU11/12 Open- Thursday 6:15pm-7:30pm
GU13/14/BU13/14 Open - Friday 5:45-7pm
Social Hockey - Friday 8:15 -9:45pm
We offer Junior performance members from U11 upwards additional summer hockey training with professional coaches, at an extra cost. You must sign up for these midweek sessions in addition to your membership, and confirm your child has a place before attending any of the sessions. Spaces are limited, due to pitch availability, therefore please sign up promptly to avoid disappointment. If we haven’t posted details of dates and times, please contact your age group or team manager for this information.
Dates, days and times tbc
Our Director of Hockey runs a number of holiday camps throughout the year, at an extra cost. The children love them! Details can be found on our page dedicated to Holiday Camps
It can sometimes be a lonely job, but it takes a lot of courage to get in front of a fast-moving hockey ball. Just as importantly, it can give a team an enormous mental boost when they see their Goalkeeper putting his/her body on the line, and coming up with a dramatic save!
The Club is extremely fortunate to receive specialised Goalkeeper training from professional coaches. Every Sunday during the season, Spencer Goalkeepers from beginners upwards are put through a variety of agility and reaction drills, which is not only great fun but has unquestionably benefitted the Club in terms of match performance.
We also run midweek Goalkeeping training sessions, and if the dates and times are not mentioned here please contact our Goalkeeping Coordinators Gitte Berg and Sarah Pusey.
We encourage all children to have a go at Goalkeeping from U9, and encourage specialisation as a Goalkeeper from secondary school age. We provide Goalkeeping kit while children are making up their minds, but ultimately expect dedicated Goalkeepers to buy their own kit. Please follow this link for our Goalkeeping Kit Policy..
If you have any questions about Spencer Goalkeeping please contact Gitte Berg.
Spencer Juniors play in sky blue shirts, navy shorts/skorts, and maroon and sky blue hooped socks. Note that our seniors play in maroon shirts, not us, although some of the older teams use these as away shirts.
Our kit supplier is Y1. All kit can be purchased through Y1 at https://www.y1sport.com/collections/spencer-hc.
A hockey-focused brand, Y1 create athleisure and team wear for hockey players, including the sponsor of GB athletes. Y1 have also long been supporters of our award-winning outreach programme Spencer Lynx, which provides free hockey to local state school primary children.
Club kit (old shirts or new) is compulsory for matches - a Club shirt and Club socks are required as a minimum.
Our shirts bear our sponsors’ logos:
Local estate agents Chelwood Partners https://chelwoodpartners.com/ who will donate a proportion of their commission on each sale of a property referred by Spencer Hockey to Spencer Lynx, and
BCB Group https://www.bcbgroup.com/ a front runner in the world of cryptocurrency.
All Junior players are required to wear a well-fitting mouthguard and shin pads for all training and matches. Children will not be allowed to play without them.
From U11 upwards, it is highly recommended for safety that all outfield players wear a protective left hand glove.
As the children get older, it is advisable that they play in astroturf shoes, for protection and better grip.
In addition to supplying out playing kit, Y1 (https://www.y1sport.com/) have a wide variety of excellent hockey sticks, shoes, protective equipment and accessories.
In addition, we have negotiated a preferred supplier discount for Spencer Juniors of 10% on hockey equipment with local sports shop AJ Sports. You can order online using discount code SPENCER10, or visit their shop at 61 Broomwood Road, London, SW11 6HU.
Our Director of Hockey runs a number of holiday camps and technical skills sessions throughout the year, at an extra cost. The children love them!
Spencer Hockey Holiday camps are open to both members and non members.
Bookings are now open for our February Half Term Camp.
Register on our Holiday Camp Teamo App - click below. Once registered, click on Calendar and buy a "ticket" for each session you would like to attend.
NB if you already use Teamo for another team/club, then one you have registered to our Holiday Camps account you will need to use "switch" from the Teamo Home page to switch between your accounts.
February Half Term 2025
Dates: 17-20 February
Holiday Camps (morning session) 9.30-1pm
Ages 6-11
School years 1-6
Note - drop off from 9am
Pick up from clubhouse
Location: The Spencer Club, Fieldview, SW18 3HF
Holiday Camps (afternoon session) 12.30-3pm
Ages 11-16
School years 6-11
Location: The Spencer Club, Fieldview, SW18 3HF
Note - flexibility for players in school year six. Parents can contact Oli Bell on TEAMO or by email if they would like to ask which session is most suitable for their child. More experienced players in Year 6 might enjoy PM sessions more. But it is not suitable for less experienced or novice players in year 6.
17-20 February 2025
For any queries, please contact our Membership Secretary Message Donna Kirby.
The Spencer HC Young Leaders Programme is ordinarily aimed at hockey players in Year 10 and Year 12, to avoid national school examinations.
The focus is to provide training and volunteering opportunities with a focus on leadership skills. These include: Leadership as a player and junior coach; communication and presentation skills; role models and captaincy; strategy and tactics; long-term athlete development, umpiring skills; awareness of physical well-being and mental well-being and current issues in sport, social media use; (including workshops on nutrition, hydration, anti-doping, injury prevention and management.
The course is a combination of classroom workshops held at Spencer HC, practical on-pitch sessions, portfolio tasks and volunteer roles within junior age groups ages 7-13. The practical sessions run on Sundays in 2-hour blocks.
The courses and assessment are led by Oli Bell, with short written tasks and practical on-pitch assessments. Our aim is to develop and improve the confidence of young people, to help the attendees better understand hockey as a sport and their soft skills which are transferable to school, employment and in the community.
The Course is split into 5 Units:
Numbers: 10-15
Ages: 15-17 years-old / School Year 10 and Year 12.
Cost: £100
To apply please email Chris Booth on Message Chris Booth providing your Name, Age Group and a short statement as to why you want to be part of the Young Leader Programme. This should include what you hope to get out of the programme and be no longer than 300 words.
Join the Spencer Friday Hockey Mailinglist here or email Xander Veldhuijzen
We run a social hockey session for adults and U16 juniors and upwards on Fridays from 8.15 pm till about 9.15 pm at Spencer Hockey Club, throughout the year, weather and numbers permitting.
Social hockey is open to all genders, all ages, and all levels of skill and/or fitness. So, are you radiantly fit and have an Olympic hockey medal on the wall? Join us! You haven't played in 30 years and/or your knee hurts a little? Join us! You’ve never played before, always watch your kids and want to find out how to hold a stick? Join us!
Social hockey is free for all Junior Hockey volunteers; parents of Junior members; Junior members from U16s and above; and all registered Senior members. On occasion (traditionally at half-term and some other holidays), we allow players younger than U16 to join, but this is by invitation only.
The organiser, Xander Veldhuijzen sends an email round every week, and you decide then and there if that Friday suits you or not (join the mailing list using the link at the top of this page). If yes, press the green button (the button is hard to miss... a pre-filled email pops up when you press it) or reply 'yes' to the email. On the night, bring a dark and a light shirt (so we can make recognisable teams), a stick, shin pads, a mouthguard, and above all a smile!
People from outside Spencer who are looking for social hockey can also get in touch with Xander to join - they can trial a few sessions, and then enrol in a ‘social membership’ which involves payment of a fee as a contribution towards pitch hire, but does not give rise to membership of the Hockey Club.
Encouraging hockey for all, because playing hockey….
Spencer Lynx is a multi Award-Winning Community Outreach Programme launched by Spencer Hockey Club in 2019, to form links (Lynx) between our Club and our Community. Its aim is to deliver hockey coaching to local children who have not had the opportunity to play hockey at or outside school. It has been recognised by England Hockey as an example of ground-breaking outreach and won their National Diversity and Inclusivity Award in 2023.
Through Spencer Lynx, we offer a two year programme of free hockey sessions to State School Primary children in Wandsworth and Lambeth. The sessions are built around fun and enjoyment, while teaching hockey skills and nurturing general sporting ability. Our ultimate goal is to provide a pathway into a mainstream hockey club, providing financial support if needed. We want to inspire the children to play sport throughout childhood and into later life.
Spencer Lynx is registered with the Charity Commission, as Registered Charity Number 1188217.
Spencer Lynx is funded thanks to the generous support of various partners and funders, plus their own fundraising activities. They do however need more help, to continue and extend the Lynx Programme and are grateful for any donations or assistance
With your support we will be able to provide children with kit and equipment (including sticks, individualised mouthguards, shin pads); buy coaching equipment and first aid supplies; and fund more pitch space and professional coaches, as we reach out to more children. Here are some examples of how sponsors might be able to help:
If you would like to sponsor our Lynx programme, please email SpencerLynxHockey@gmail.com. We’d be delighted to talk through a range of options, to see what works for you.
Spencer Hockey Club and Spencer Lynx are proud and excited to support London Wayfarers in delivering this fantastic new initiative to bring hockey to a wider audience.
Flyerz Hockey provides fun and friendly sessions for disabled and non-disabled players to play together, along with the whole family, as siblings and parents can take part too.
If you would like to be involved, or know someone who would, please email lwhc.flyerzmembers@gmail.com.
South West London. We run 12 men’s teams and 9 ladies’ teams, and have a thriving junior section of over 600 junior members, ageing from 5 to 18 years old, run by a large group of volunteers.
These are exciting times for the Club, as for the first time, both our Men’s and Women’s 1st teams will be playing hockey in the National Hockey League - a fantastic achievement, that brings fresh challenges, as we seek to push the Club to the next level.
We continue to grow our junior membership steadily, while continuing to offer high quality coaching in a fun and nurturing environment. Our junior teams perform strongly in their leagues, reaching Regional and National finals, playing against the top teams in the country. And we have a large number of children representing their county, and beyond.
We launched our Community Outreach Programme in 2019, known as Spencer Lynx, which aims to form links (Lynx) between the Club and local state school children in our Community. For more information on this exciting development please click here.
Sponsoring Spencer Hockey has never been so attractive. Through sponsorship your business will gain exposure to our Senior Members, including university leavers, young and established professionals, and many more, as well as exposure to 1000 or more parents/guardians of our Junior Members, many of whom are local to South West London. In particular, sponsoring us can have the benefits of:
We have a range of sponsorship options, and would be delighted to talk these through to see what works for you. If you would like to sponsor Spencer Hockey Club, our Juniors, or help us with our Lynx Outreach Programme, please Message CHARLOTTE HUCKER, our External Fundraising & Sponsorship Coordinator.
We always need more umpires, and if our Juniors are to continue to compete in the best leagues, we need to have the umpires to enable us to support them. We are lucky to be supported by our Senior players for many competitive matches throughout the season, but they can not cover all our matches. And, we need qualified umpires to cover some of the higher level leagues. We have to grow our own!
The Junior Section Umpiring Initiative requires that each age group have at least 3 people, other than the Main Coach, who have completed an England Hockey level 1 umpiring course. But that’s just the start, as we know that to umpire confidently you need experience. So, we encourage our new umpires to volunteer to umpire the lower age group festivals/matches initially, and to grow with their children, to umpire the higher levels in due time. We support our umpires by providing opportunities to practise, and with mentoring sessions.
We are happy to reimburse the cost of attending umpiring courses, for attendees who go on to umpire for us regularly at the weekend. We will also support umpires to be assessed by the umpiring authorities.
If you are interested in learning more, Message Simon Eddy, our Junior Umpire Coordinator.
The Junior Section is run almost entirely by volunteers, with the support of a few staff employed by the Spencer Club, and a number of professional coaches. We hope that you will embrace the Club's ethos by donating your time and skills to help our children enjoy the best possible sporting experience, and make our Club the best that it can be.
We always need coaches, on-pitch assistants, umpires, and team managers, but that’s just the start. We need help with all kinds of admin, social media, photography, social events, tours, fund-raising, sponsorship, the café, and much much more! If you are interested in volunteering, no matter how little of your time, please Message Marcia Gurney-Champion or Colette Barclay, our Volunteers Coordinators.
We are always happy to have Senior players volunteer to coach at our training sessions, and regular volunteers may be rewarded by a significant discount to their Senior subs. For more information, please Message Marcia Gurney-Champion or Colette Barclay, our Volunteers Coordinators.
If you are aged 14-21, there is an opportunity to gain valuable experience volunteering for your Club. You can help with coaching, umpiring, organisation and / or fund-raising. We run a Young Volunteers Scheme, which enables you to log your volunteer hours towards, for instance, Duke of Edinburgh Awards. This is run by our Colette Barclay (crbarclay@me.com)
We require that all our Volunteers that come into contact with children be DBS checked and undergo child safeguarding training.
Our DBS checks are coordinated by Charity Malthouse (Message charity malthouse)
We run regular first aid courses at the Club, with external providers. We are happy for as many Volunteers attend as wish to.
Our Player Pathway embraces our Club ethos, and explains how we manage team selection; league choices; county nominations; and the transition from junior to senior hockey.
Coaching resources, including session plans and helpful videos/clips are available from our Director of Junior Hockey, Oli Bell.
Helpful information for age group and team managers includes the Team Manager Handbook; the Team Manager Checklist; and Mini Festival Templates.
We are happy to reimburse the attendance of external courses attended by volunteers if they will be using their new skills for the benefit of the Club for at least one whole season. This includes coaching and umpiring courses. Please check with the Junior Hockey Committee (JHC) before incurring any costs, as reimbursement must be authorised by the JHC.
Our volunteers and members are covered for Public Liability by the Club's insurance policy as long as they are carrying out Club roles.
Professional coaches should have their own personal cover. Volunteers coaching for organisations outside the Club (e.g. at schools) are not covered by the Club's insurance. Volunteers must make sure that they have their own personal cover in these circumstances.
Spencer Hockey Club follows recommended Child Safeguarding Policies and Best Practice as laid down by England Hockey. All coaches and team managers are DBS checked, and have undergone child safeguarding training.
The Club's Child Welfare Officer is Julia Oldham. If you have any concerns about the welfare of a child playing at Spencer, or about child welfare or safeguarding in general, or wish to file a complaint, please contact Julia on Message Julia Oldham. If you are unable to contact one of the Junior Hockey Committee.
Although hockey is a relatively safe sport, accidents do happen and injuries are incurred from time to time. We offer regular first aid training courses to our volunteers, and a first aider is present at all training sessions. First aid kits are supplied to team managers, and it is their responsibility to ensure that the kits are fully stocked, and that the kits travel to away fixtures.
For all our Policies and Guidelines on Child Welfare, Safeguarding and Conduct, please visit our Policies and Club Documents Section
All Club members and parents are expected to adhere to all Club policies, guidelines and codes of conduct, and those of England Hockey. Additionally, all our Policies, Guidelines and Codes of Practice apply to all attendees of Holiday Camps, and their parents. If you have any questions please contact our Child Welfare Officer, Julia Oldham (Message Julia Oldham)
Our Age Group Managers, Main Coaches and Assistant Coaches can be found on our Training Dates & Times page, and on the respective age group/team pages.
Our other Volunteers and Role Holders are set out below. A HUGE thank you to every one of them – we really couldn’t do what we do without you.
Director of Junior Hockey
Oli Bell
Junior Hockey Committee
Tony Matharu (Junior Section Chairperson)
Oli Bell
Marcia Gurney-Champion
Charlotte Hucker
Donna Kirby
Chris Booth
Simon Eddy
Andrew Crow
Cait Reynolds
Emma Tonkin
Louise Hardy
Hazel Roulston
Michael Norman
Spencer Juniors Membership Secretary
Donna Kirby
Child Welfare Officer
Julia Oldham
End of Season Medals & Awards
Julia Edbrooke
DBS Coordinator
Charity Malthouse
Project Development Representative
Andrew Crow
Equipment Coordinator
Oli Bell
External Funding & Sponsorship Coordinator
Charlotte Hucker
First Aid Coordinator
Sara Beverly
Fixtures Secretary & Astro Use Coordinator
Donna Kirby
Friday Social Hockey Coordinator
Xander Veldhuijzen
Goalkeepers Kit & Training Coordinator
Cait Reynolds
Holiday Course Coordinator
Oli Bell
Junior Treasurer
Hazel Roulston
Kit Coordinator
Newsletter Coordinator
Social Media Coordinator
Donna Kirby
Social Secretary
Cait Reynolds
Spencer Lynx (Community Outreach)
Lynx Co-Ordinators
Charlotte Hucker
Marcia Gurney-Champion
Donna Kirby
Karen Price
Amrita Sheldon
Co-Lead Coach
Matt Fildes
England Hockey Talent Development/ClubMark Coordinator
Louise Hardy
London League Steering Committee Reps
John Turner
Mid-week Hockey/Performance Hockey Coordinators
Oli Bell, Michael Norman
London Academy/Surrey County Nominations Coordinator
John Turner
Tours Coordinator
Sarah Holmes
Umpire Coordinator
Simon Eddy
Volunteers Coordinator
Marcia Gurney-Champion
Volunteers' Jackets
Emma Tonkin
Website Coordinator
Xander Veldhuijzen
Young Leaders Coordinators
Oli Bell, Chris Booth
Young Volunteers Coordinator
Colette Barclay
Professional Coaches
Oli Bell - Director of Junior Hockey
Holly Blew
George Carson
Joe Chomet
Zoe Jackson - GK Coach
Ciara Langtry
Jared Oliver
Jordan Turnbull
Hannah White
Friday Social Hockey Coordinator
Xander Veldhuijzen
Safeguarding Coordinator
Susi Simon
Teamo Coordinator
Donna Kirby
We will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible.