Teamo - Club Management Made Easy

Teamo - Club Management Made Easy

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Feature Focus: Creating Custom Notifications On Teamo

27 March 2023
Feature Focus: Creating Custom Notifications On Teamo

Need to send out an important message to a specific team or group? Why not send them a broadcast message or notification?

Need to chase unpaid invoices? Send out a mass notification to all relevant members!

Want to find out which players are available for match day? Prompt your players to update their availability so you can select your match-day squad!

Located in the Members Center on both smartphone and desktop, custom notifications allows you to send notifications directly to your members.

Teamo allows you to send all types of notifications out to your members so you can organize your club as efficiently as possible! Familiarise yourself with the different ways you can notify your members down below and find out about all the different capabilities Teamo has to offer.

Broadcast Messages

  • Broadcast messaging allows you to send a message to a targeted list of contacts and reach more people, quicker. It provides the perfect mix of the immedicancy of sending a message to all with the effectiveness of a one-to-one conversation.
  • They appear as a personalised message, inviting a reply, but will not fill your Chats as they will not appear unless you already have a chat with the individual or the recipient replies.
  • Broadcast messages can be sent to individuals as a 1-2-Many in the chats section, to specific teams/groups under Send Notifications in manage club, or to specific individuals in the Members Center.


  • Notifications allow you to quickly send a message to a specific list of contacts in your club to notify them of any information.
  • The notification will appear on the member's phone as well as in the notifications section of their Teamo account!
  • Notifications can be sent to specific teams/groups under Send Notifications in manage club or to specific individuals in the Members Center.

Prompt For Payments

  • Within the Payment Center, you can remind all players with outstanding payments that they owe you money in just a couple of taps! 

  • As information automatically updates in the Payment Center when players make a payment, it means you have an up-to-date list of who has and who has not paid!

  • This allows you to send out notifications to the appropriate members whenever you need to prompt for payments!

  • Under team payments, you can also prompt individual members for payment for any outstanding match, social or membership fees!

Prompt For Availability

  • You can easily send out a friendly reminder to members that have not yet replied with the tap of a button.
  • They will then receive a new push notification or email reminding them to respond to the event.
  • This means your managers and coaches can expend less time concerned with who is available and more time on selection!

“Teamo is a fantastic communication platform to know everything about games, selection and costs!” - Bloxwich HC

Prompt For Season Opt-In

  • With Teamo you can send an opt-in email to all members in your current teamo list. This means that members are not required to go to the app
  • By clicking on the Opt-In link in the email, it will automatically update that they wish to be part of the club for the upcoming season.

We hope you have found this quick guide handy. If you have any questions, send us a message through Support Chat in the App!

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