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We were joined by Paul Bentley from London Wayfarers Hockey Club to discuss how Teamo has helped them manage the club's finances in a one-stop-shop online platform. With over 400 senior members in 19 senior sides, the club has been using Teamo for their senior section for three years now and intend to bring their huge junior section of over 1000 children on board this summer.
Prior to summer 2021, the senior section of the club had been using Teamo for availability, selection and communications, with the membership payments going through a separate platform. However, it became clear that managing everything in one single app based platform, was clearly going to be a more manageable way of doing things, so for the 2021/22 season, all membership payments were allocated and collected through Teamo.
For the 2022/23 season, the club will be bringing the entire junior section onboard and replicate the success they've seen for the seniors.
We began by discussing why they made the move to Teamo for their payments, and how they found the transition. Lots of this was to do with the desire to have everything in one place, and a number of frustrations with their previous system.
We also discussed the methods Paul and the club have used to allocate, collect and review memberships. Paul also described how the traffic light system on individuals profiles and team sheets helps make it easy to identify and communicate to those outstanding payees.
You can watch the whole webinar below, including the Q&A that followed. If you have any questions that weren't answered in the webinar, please do get in touch with us at Message Teamo Support
Teamo CEO, John Nurse announced, "Teamo will aim to put £1 million back into sports clubs pockets over the next 12 months". Some of our plans are outlined below, but watch this space for some exciting further announcements!
That's all for now, but keep an eye on our social media and website for all the latest news and developments. If there's a topic that you want to see discussed, let us know and we'll see what we can do!
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