Thanks for your message!
We will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible.
As the days draw shorter, we thought that we would share some positive news about the Teamo platform! We have been working non-stop through November to try and fix and improve the lives of admins, coaches and volunteers working at their local sporting clubs.
In this product update, you will learn that we have improved our Fundraising offering the most. In the spirit of this time of the the year, we thought if users could raise money for their clubs whilst simultaneously buying their loved ones presents, it is a massive win-win!
There is another new Product on the block! The third variation of the Other Products category has been completed and has already done lots of heavy lifting for clubs. The Merchandise product will allow clubs to advertise club kit through the Teamo platform and offer an instant list of who has or has not purchased the item.
The set-up for the product is extremely flexible, assign the product to specific teams, groups or even sections. Once done, watch the orders come flooding in. After an order has been placed, head over to Review Orders and mark them as fulfilled once you have given the kit out!
This product is not designed to replace your kit stores, but to facilitate the sale of selected products, like beanies or socks! There is no option to add personal details like initials, so we advise not using it for Shirts etc!
We DO advise making different concessions for the different sizes or colours of the products. The best part of the product is the ability to add images or videos, to allow users a proper look at what they are purchasing before buying!
Perhaps the most exciting news on our side! We have completed a Google Chrome Desktop extension. This will let users add TeamoRewards to their Chrome and get discounts whilst they shop on their computer!!!
Download it now to make sure you get those savings before Christmas shopping!
Follow this link here to add it to your Chrome!
Admins, are you tired of needing to be the one to send out every email to the club? Tired of sending all the broadcast messages as you are the only one with permission to do so? We have added a new role which will give you the power to delegate this job to your Comms Manager.
To add a comms manager, go to club roles and allocate one there and then! They will be able to message the club on all the important updates, as well as being able to generate GetSocial graphics across the club to make sure the social media game is up to scratch!
We will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible.