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Want to set up membership payments, match fees or tickets?
Allow for installments, concessions or one-off payments?
Have options available to different members?
All of this can be done in our club products section, which can be found by clicking on the Manage Club icon if you are using the web version of Teamo or by clicking on your profile icon in the app and heading to manage club.
There are various types of products available on Teamo that can be customised to best fit your club and member's specific needs. Check out the options below for further information.
Specific memberships can be made for different teams within the club for example a junior and senior membership, which can be made available to certain groups in particular, so that members do not get confused and purchase the wrong one.
There is also the option of allowing members to pay in installments to allow for flexibility. You can choose the frequency of the installement options, whether that be weekly or monthly. Along with this you can determine how often these installments come out and whether they are equal or not. Therefore should you wish you can set up the first installment to be more or less than the others.
There are various concessions that can be added to memberships in order to personalise your products for example having a different price for students. Teamo will even suggest concessions based on each players' payment history.
Match fees are created in the club products section of Teamo, this can be done on both the app and web version. Match fees are set up as a one off payment and can be edited to your preferences for example ‘VAT applicable’. There is also the option to allow it as a deferred payment. When setting up your match fees you will need to decide which receiving account you would like to link to the product. Therefore if you have different accounts for junior and senior payments for example you can select that specific account.
With match fees there is the option of creating concessions, the same as with memberships, where you can adapt the match fee accordingly. With either a pre made concession or by creating a new one, the amount can amended to the amount you wish. Every match fee product created you will be able to select the relevant teams it is available to.
Ticket products are created the same way as the match fee products. You can have various different tickets for your different events. Tickets are also only available as one off payments but you do have the option to defer the payment or add concessions. Once you have created these products you will be able to add them to an event.
We hope you have found this quick guide handy. If you have any questions, send us a message through Support Chat in the App!
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