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Our latest feature, FitLeague, allows you to stay fit and keep connected with your team at times when you can't be together! Set up a FitLeague for your team today to track your team activity and see who tops your FitLeague.
How to set up a FitLeague (Captain/Manager)
If you have one team: Head to the Team tab.
If you have more than one team: Head to the Club tab and select Teams. Select the team you wish to start a FitLeague for.
Select Discover in the FitLeague box > Start. This will activate FitLeague for your team and all group members will be notified/prompted to share activity data.
How to connect to a FitLeague (Player or Manager)
If your captain or manager has set up a FitLeague, you should have received a notification to join your team's FitLeague.
You can either select this notification to connect to the team FitLeague or head to Account > My Profile and select Connect in the FitLeague box.
You will then be asked to link Teamo to your Apple Health or Google Fit app.
How to view the FitLeague leaderboard
If you have one team: Head to the Team tab.
If you have more than one team: Head to the Club tab and select Teams. Select the team you wish to start a FitLeague for.
Under the Comp/Stats tab, you can view the Top Performers and select See More to view the leaderboard by days or by week for both steps and active minutes.
Not using FitLeague? Captains and managers can head to their Team Page and start a FitLeague for the team today.
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