Men's 4s vs Lichfield 5

01 October 2023 | Chris Cousins
Men's 4s vs Lichfield 5

Telford 4ths were away to Lichfield 5ths on Saturday.


Chris employed a different formation this week, using a midfield triangle with just one centre-forward. He also made changes to the starting line-up due to some late arrivals.


Telford didn't make a good start to the match, sloppy play and basic errors meant possession was lost in dangerous positions. Lichfield took full advantage scoring twice within 15 mins.


The 2nd goal woke Telford up and they started to play some good hockey, gradually taking control of the game. They even coped with Tom H going off, having been struck on the arm by a reckless swipe by a Lichfield forward. 


Telford pulled a goal back when a long pass from Chris found Tom K in the D on the baseline. Tom made a reverse stick pass to John in the centre of the D. John's shot was smothered by the keeper, but the ball broke to the right where Eddie knocked the ball into the net.


The half ended with Telford 2-1 down. Chris wasn't happy with the way the team had started the game. However, he was pleased with the way the team had played after the first 15 mins with the ball being moved around well. Chris did want to see firmer passing in the D though. Scottie added that the team should continue in the 2nd half with moving as a unit from side-to-side.


The 2nd half saw Telford continue where they left off, controlling the game and pressing for a goal. Unfortunately, this did leave their defence exposed on occasions, with Tom H left on his own when the other defenders pressed up the pitch to support the attack. However, Tom and Brad were able to keep the opposition at bay until other players got back to help.


Telford's pressing brought shooting opportunities and short corners. Unfortunately, they didn’t lead to goals with shots going wide or easily saved.


Telford's frustrations were growing, but then came the play of the match. Started by ST picking the ball up at right back and, with swift inter-passing between him, Abraham, Eddie and John, the four of them swept past the Lichfield defence into the D where ST passed to John in the centre of the D to strike the ball home. A well-deserved equaliser.


Telford kept pressing for the winner, but despite everyone working hard and trying their utmost a third goal evaded them, and the game finished 2-2.


After the game Chris commended the team for coming back so well from a poor start. There was good, quick movement and passing, and good pivoting in the midfield trio. Next week Chris wants everyone to have the right mind set from the start.


Man of the match was Archie for all his hard work up and down the left side.

The whole team played well after the first 15 minutes. They just need to replicate that from the start and keep it going for the whole 70 mins.

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