Ladies 1s vs Didsbury Northern 2s

10 September 2023 | Poppy Jones
Ladies 1s vs Didsbury Northern 2s

Club day hockey ✨

This normally starts with weathers not great today or god it’s freezing! Instead, we had club day in the scorching heat that reached up to 30 degrees at one point!! Thankfully we didn’t have anyone pass out and this could have been due to the amazing Colin who brought an umbrella for shade and Tully with her hand held fan so big shout out to them! 

The girls were eagerly waiting to get back onto the pitch against Didsbury Northern 2s. Tough competition we thought but I reckon the weather was tougher! 

As a team who haven’t played much together (other than in training) the communication and positivity throughout the game really showed! Never mind that we were all still learning the shape and presses after Yus gave all the girls homework. The first quarter we won lots of short corners but failed to put any away. Dids goalkeeper thinking she was Gwen Stacey I mean some of those saves sheesh. 

In the second quarter Dids scored a goal ‘urgh’ this goal… let’s say it was luck and for now Dids had it. However, the Wilmslow girls never gave up and battled to make sure they did not score again… which they didn’t 😁 JB leading from the front, Issy and Poppy chasing down their defenders working the press. Ruth being the magician she is. The game was controlled by Sammy in midfield keeping things simple and giving our defenders an outlet. 

During the second half team talk we decided to adjust the shape a little to be more aggressive as Dids really struggled to break us down. Showing how adaptable we are. The heat is taking its toll now but we pushed on as a unit! Jess and Amy B in middle just bossing it getting every 2nd ball. Although Amy B did get a green 👀. Tut tut. Alice, Chloe and Caz were just in control at the back and with the rotations gave great guidance to Abi, Anya and Ella. 

The last quarter the girls found a new lease of energy!! If this hasn’t done anything for our fitness nothing will haha. We’re pinning Dids in their own half for the majority of the quarter when Abi stepping up from right centre back… puts a great tackle in on Dids 25. Starting a promising looking counter attack, Abi passes it out wide, the ball gets to Jb who being her mercurial self slots it home! She was definitely channeling her inner De Bruyne the way she was playing! Jb the legend making the final score 1-1.

Still loads of work to do but it’s looking promising. 

Mom - JB

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