Training 2023/2024

Training Schedule for 2023/2024 Season

Pre-season: Individual players will be contacted regarding preseason training for the higher teams later in the summer.

In the event training is cancelled, usually as a result of bad weather, we will do our best to contact those players affected with as much notice as possible. It's always worth a quick check of twitter, Teamo & email before setting out for training when the temperatures drop!

All training takes place at Wilberforce Road Sports Ground.

Women's Training


  • Tuesday 7.30 - 9.30 pm P1
  • Thursday 7.30 - 9.30 pm P3


  • Monday 7.30 - 9.30 pm P3 (with W3)
  • Thursday 7.30 - 9.30 pm P3


  • Monday 7.30 - 9.30 pm P3 (with W2)
  • Wednesday 7.30 - 9.30 pm P1


  • Wednesday 7.30 - 9.30 pm P2 (warm up from 7.30 - 8 pm on P1)

Women's Club Training

  • Wednesday 7.30 - 9.30 pm P2 (warm up from 7.30 - 8 pm on P1)

Goalkeeper Training

  • Day & time TBC

Training Schedule for 2023/2024 Season

Pre-season: Individual players will be contacted regarding preseason training for the higher teams later in the summer.

In the event training is cancelled, usually as a result of bad weather, we will do our best to contact those players affected with as much notice as possible. It's always worth a quick check of twitter, Teamo & email before setting out for training when the temperatures drop!

All training takes place at Wilberforce Road Sports Ground.

Men's Training


  • Tuesday 7.30 - 9.30 pm P2
  • Thursday7.30 - 9.30 pm P2


  • Tuesday 7.30 - 9.30 pm P2
  • Thursday 7.30 - 9.30 pm P2


  • Thursday 7.30 - 9.30 pm P2

Men's Club Training

  • Wednesday 7.30 - 9.30 pm P1

Goalkeeper Training

  • Day & time TBC

Youth Section Training 2024/2025 Season

All training takes place at Wilberforce Road Sports Ground. Please note if you also partcipate in senior training, this continues as normal throughout half term.

The artificial surfaces used for hockey 'freeze' as temperatures approach zero and the pitches become unsafe meaning we may need to CANCEL training. More information on bad weather & cancellations can be found here

●   Pre-Christmas Dates


●   Post-Christmas Dates


At the moment the plan is that training will look broadly like it did last year (see below as indicative). HOWEVER.

Important Additional Information

The club has just had confirmed (post AGM unfortunately), the offer of access to regular indoor training facilities throughout the season. We are currently looking at how this offer might integrate into our existing training program, or run as a separate indoor program, and the cost implications as indoor hall hire is more expensive. If there is any change to costs or training times we will aim to consult with members as soon as possible.

Age Group




U6 Tigers


9.15 to 10.15 am

Pitch 1

U8 Leopards


9.15 to 10.15 am

Pitch 1

U10 Girls


9.15 to 10.15 am

Pitch 2

U10 Boys


9.15 to 10.15 am

Pitch 3

U12 Girls



10.15 - 11.45 am

5.30 - 6.30 pm

Pitch 2

Pitch 3

U12 Boys



10.15 - 11.45 am

5.30 - 6.30 pm

Pitch 3

Pitch 3

U14 Girls



11.45 am - 1.15 pm

6.30 - 7.30 pm

Pitch 2

Pitch 1

U14 Boys



11.45 am - 1.15 pm

6.30 - 7.30 pm

Pitch 3

Pitch 1

U16 Girls


6.30 pm - 8 pm

Pitch 2

U16 Boys


6.30 pm - 8 pm

Pitch 3







6.30 - 7.30 pm

Pitch 2

*U14s - Please check your Wednesday sessions weekly on Teamo - there may be some dates that the pitch is not available as the University have home BUCS fixtures on some Wednesdays in their term time.

  • U6-U14  - Main coaching will take place on a Sunday, with a second session for U12s/14s on a Wednesday evening.
  • U16 -  Main coaching will take place on a Wednesday evening, with the option for extra provision on Sunday mornings depending on the fixture calendar. U16s will have independent professional coaches leading their development.
  • U18 - regular provision is delivered as part of adult training. Players will be advised which team training sessions to attend. Specific squad training dates will be arranged in preparation for England Hockey fixtures. 

Bad Weather & Cancellations

The artificial surfaces used for hockey 'freeze' as temperatures approach zero and the pitches become unsafe. This means that, over the winter months, cold weather may mean we have to cancel training and fixtures.

We will do our best to contact those players affected with as much notice as possible.

🥶Please check Teamo,club social media, & email before setting out for training when the weather is cold!🥶

Youth Training

Sunday morning training & Fixtures

We will look at the forecast, and make a decision about the 9.15 to 10.15 session the evening before to give parents and players plenty of notice.

There will then be a pitch inspection on Sunday morning to decide if later sessions can go ahead. The situation is quite dynamic as the pitches thaw, so bear with us on these occasions. We will keep you updated!

Wednesday Evenings

We will look at the forecast on Wednesday morning and make a decision then to give parents and players plenty of notice with respect to travel and school pick up planning.

Our Partners

Club Mark
Cambridge Talent Academy
Club Mark
Cambridge Talent Academy
East Hockey
England Hockey
East Hockey
England Hockey
members nameclub role
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